Friday 15 March 2013

Haven't blogged in a while and thought I'd better do something about that before everyone thinks we've given up on our new, healthy lifestyle.

John is losing kilos faster than what I do and he is so proud of his 6 kilos he's lost so far.  I've only lost 3.  Our dietician says rather focus on the journey than the outcome which can be influenced by so many things.  Instead of saying "I want to weigh x amount by a certain date, just eat healthily and exercise and eventually you will get there.  This is to prevent you giving up when you get to that specified date and you still have lots of kilos to lose.  I like that idea and don't mind losing slowly but steadily.  It is a lifestyle change after all and ongoing with no time limits.

My biggest challenge is to cook healthy meals but with variation so we don't get sick of it. For eating out we've found a good place for breakfasts where we can put together our own breakfast, Fournos Bakery.  For lunches and dinners, it's Spur of all places.  You can choose a nice t-bone steak or grilled fish and calamari with a salad or veggies.  Just save up some fats during the day cause you're never sure how much butter and oils they are using.

It's getting cold in the mornings now when we go out for our walk so we're planning on getting some long pants and even gloves and beanies.  The winters in Gauteng are very different from the Cape Town ones which are cold, wet and miserable.  Here it's cold in the mornings and evenings and quite pleasant during the day.  Don't want anything to put us off our morning walks.  It is lovely to be out so early.  The road where we walk is tree-lined and so there's always some in bloom and of course birds galore.  The people we meet always greet and we're starting to notice regulars.  We're walking faster now too so every 2nd week we add another block to our walk.

Tonight I'll cook Shrimp Pad Thai On the Lighter side,  one of our favourite dishes, for dinner.  It is so yummy, you cannot believe it's part of a weight loss program.

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